Home Reviews Tips To Boost Your Electric Car’s Range

Tips To Boost Your Electric Car’s Range

by pps-DUEditor

Data: Collecting and monitoring data is a great way to maximize range and energy efficiency. The telematics from your electric car can help you understand how much range you need, how to improve it, and when you need to improve it. You will also understand the effects of weather, speed, route selection, and charging when you study your data.

Driving Mode Settings: All electric cars allow you to change the performance settings to match your driving needs. Some can increase performance, while others can maximize range. Read and understand your car’s modes. Compare data to understand how you can maximize your range with the settings.

Be Nice: Keep your car parked indoors and not in hot weather conditions that cause battery deterioration. Also, choose a vehicle with an active cooling system in case you usually experience warm weather. Remember that the longer the car spends time at or near a full charge, the worse it is for the battery.

Drive Easy: Accelerate gradually. This is much more efficient for the car than flooring it. Driving aggressively doesn’t really save your time, and it drains your battery. So keep your right foot light, and save battery and charging costs.

Coast: All electric vehicles have regenerative braking, but they only capture a fraction of the energy lost. It’s better to coast to a stop as often as possible in heavy traffic. You can add several miles to your range by practicing this. If you reduce unnecessary braking, you can reduce unnecessary acceleration.

Climate Control: The heating and cooling systems of the vehicle suck up a lot of energy and deplete your electric car’s range. Try and use the smartphone app to pre-condition the car before setting off. This will save energy on the road. Try and schedule car use for times of the day when the weather is mild.

Maintenance: Inflate your tires properly. Check all fluid levels and replace air filters to ensure everything is working fine. This will extend the range by several miles per charge.

Route: Choose a route that lets you save time, but also one that allows you to drive at a steady speed. Slower steadier speeds are better than steady high speeds.

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